Analysis of Major Ion Constituents in Groundwater of Amassoma and Environs, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
E. Oborie[1] , H.O Nwankwoala[2] Page No. 1-13
Aflatoxins M1 and M2 in Dairy Products
Dr. Qais Abdullah Nogaim Page No. 14-25
Virtual Screening of Molecular Properties and Bioactivity Score of compounds present in tephrosia purpurea plant
Dr (mrs).G.Valli[1], M.Anusuya[2] , R.Perlina[3] Page No 34-42
Definition dimensions semiconductor quantum dots of new optical method in nanogeterostructures
Sergey I. Pokutnyi[1], Petr P. Gorbyk[2], Kostyantyn A. Chornyi[3],Nikolay F. Zhovnir[4] Page No. 43-45