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The Improving Strategies on the Construction of University Spirit, Teaching
Style and Learning Atmosphere

XU Xiaoliang
Page No. 6-13


Currently, there are many types of problems on university spirit, teaching style and learning
atmosphere in colleges and universities of our country. A series of measures that can boot the
ground as well as break the predicament must be unveiled. We can strengthen and improve the
construction of university spirit by gradually weakening the administrative tendency, straightening
out the working relationship among leadership, administrative personnel and experts, perfecting the
input and evaluation mechanism, and optimizing the twogrades management system between
university and faculty. We can strengthenand improve the construction of teaching style by
intensifying teachers' virtuous behavior, innovating management method, introducing competitive
mechanism, breaking the predicament of university's evaluation of professional title, perfecting
instructor choosing system, integrating teaching activities and scientific researches. Inorder to
strengthen and improve the learning atmosphere, we can strengthen the guidanceof public opinion,
change negative public cognition of the university, intensify the valuation and incentive to students,
perfect the specific and course construction, bring forthnewideas and strengthenclass teachers and
counselors'work, arouseawareness of crisis and diligenceofstudents.
Keywords : university spirit; teachingstyle; learning atmosphere

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