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Laryngeal papillomatosis in adults: clinical and therapeutic aspects

S .Ouraini[a]; I.Benchafai;M.Sahli;A.Rouihi;I.Nakkabi;A.Jahidi; F.Benariba.
Page No. 1-4


Laryngeal papillomatosis, viral infection caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for
benign lesion that can affect the entire respiratory axis. The problem with this condition is
éthiopathogénique and therapeutic, it is based on such common techniques as microsurgery, laser
or drugs, but their application and their place in the treatment is still controversial. The disease
course is variable and unpredictable, marked both by symptoms due to the presence of papillomas
and those due to the legacy of successive interventions. The prognosis may be involved in diffuse
forms and shapes of the glottal totally obstructive floor, so that the functional prognosis depends on
the frequency of peelings during the instrumental microsurgery, because of repeated trauma that
can cause a hoarseness.We report about this case of a patient admitted and treated surgically in
service for laryngeal papillomatosis, whose evolution was favorable, with remission of symptoms
for a decline of 2 years. We discuss this case through clinical monitoring and the various
therapeutic modalities.
Keywords : Laryngeal papillomatosis, HPV, dysphonia, treatment

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